Dr. Theodora Calogeropoulou
Research Director of the Institute of Chemical Biology, NHRF; Deputy Director IBMCB; Member of the Scientific Council IBMCB. Background Theodora Calogeropoulou, received her Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from the University of Athens (1983), her Ph.D. degree from the Department of Chemistry, University of Iowa, USA (1987) and served as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Scripps Research Institute, San Diego, USA and at the R&D of Viochrom SA and then joined NHRF. She participates in the management committees of a number of COST Actions both of Chemistry and Medicine Domains, focusing on drug development for parasitic diseases. Her research interests involve the development of novel bioactive compounds against a variety of diseases and more specifically she has been actively involved a) in steroid research (neurotrophin mimetics, anticancer b) in the design and synthesis of antiprotozoal constrained ether phospholipid derivatives and c) of heterocyclic compounds with multifunctional pharmacological profile (neuroprotective, proteasome activators, tyrosinase inhibitors). An integral part of her research is the development of synthetic methodology. She has trained a number of junior scientists, she has participated as an expert evaluator for EC projects, for the GSRT and for European Ph.D. degrees. She has organized and chaired several international and national meetings. Role in EuroNeurotrophin Coordinator, Main Supervisor ESR 1 and ESR 2. Key Publications